Have a go at Seniors Festival!
‘Have a Go’ Seniors’ Week Festival
There is something for everyone at this year’s Seniors Week Festival. All activities are free.
Monday 18 February
Yoga With A Chair (Monica Lea), 10am to 11:30am
Posy Making (Alice Milne), 2pm to 3:30pm
Tuesday 19 February
Bridge (Beth Thomas and Suzie McNamara), 10am to 12noon
Writing Your Life Story, 2pm to 4pm
Wednesday 20 February
Gentle Yoga (Monica Lea), 10am to 11:30am
Thursday 21 February
Bus Trip to Manildra Movies, 10am to 5pm
Aircraft Museum, 10am to 12noon
Friday 22 February
Belly Dancing, 11:30am to 12:30pm, as well as 1pm to 2pm
For more information and to register
Contact: Neighbourhood Central 6862 3757