Bogan Gate 125 Year

Bogan Gate 125 Year

11mar(mar 11)9:00 am12(mar 12)5:00 pmBogan Gate 125 Year125 year celebrations and Village Fair9:00 am - 5:00 pm (12)(GMT+11:00)

Event Info

Bogan Gate is 125 years old and it’s time to celebrate.

Huge WORKING Display of Vintage Machinery – stationary engines, tractors, headers, including original Bogan Gate tractors and engines. Run by members from Forbes & District Historic Machinery Association Inc.

Free Kids Zone with Bogan Gate Public School P&C – Jumping Castles, Face Painting, Ten Pin Bowling, Lawn Games

Live Music with Joey Tanswell from 10am till 2.
Live Music from 2.30pm to 5.30pm
(Head to Bogan Gate Pub for Live Music from 6pm to 10pm with Three Day Bender)

Vintage Car display from local clubs

Market Stalls – garden Art, Candles, Homewares, Tupperware, Nutrimetics, Jewellery, clothing, olive oils and Jams, handmade, earrings, Aboriginal art, Soft Craft and so much more

Food Vans – Spuddy Buddy, Aunty E’s, OMG Decadent Donuts, Bogan Gate Rural Fire Brigade Sausage Sizzle and B&E Rolls, GDogs, Mr Whippy, Parkes Mobile Coffee Catering.

proudly funded by the NSW Government’s Reconnecting Regional NSW Community Events Program.



Or follow BoganGateVillageFair on Facebook for updates


March 11, 2023 9:00 am - March 12, 2023 5:00 pm(GMT+11:00)