Day on the Green

Day on the Green

25may2:00 pmDay on the GreenEntertainment for all ages2:00 pm(GMT+00:00)

Event Info


Be Entertained!

Day on the Green at Parkes Railway Bowling Club


Featuring Local Artists:

Michael Green

Jordy Dwyer

Twiggy McGirr

Georgia Sederis


BBQ available – steak and sausage sandwiches

Raffle proceeds go to CanAssist



From 2pm Saturday 25 May

Between 3pm and 4pm, there’ll be fun and games for the kids, including sack races, ball games, face painting, fairy floss and snow cone stands.



Parkes Railway Bowling Club, Hooley Street, Parkes



May 25, 2019 2:00 pm(GMT+00:00)


Parkes Railway Bowling Club

Hooley Street, Parkes

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