03novAll Day10ExhibitionWiradjuri Cloaks & Headdresses(All Day)(GMT+00:00)
Event Info
Wiradjuri Cloaks & Headdresses
Artists Lynette Riley and Diane Riley-McNaboe invite visitors and residents to the Opening Night of their exhibition of Wiradjuri cloaks and headdresses.
The evening will include an artist talk. The artwork is of importance to local and regional Wiradjuri people: it forms an important and re-emerging part of their history and skills set.
The exhibition includes examples of cloaks, headdresses and belts that were traditionally made and used by Wiradjuri people. It is an wonderful opportunity to hear their stories.
Coventry Room, Parkes Shire Library, Bogan Street, Parkes
9am to 5pm, Sunday 4 November to Sunday 11 November
Gold coin donation. Funds raised will support the Rotary Australia project directed towards Indigenous people of central Australia: End Trachoma by 2020.
For additional information
Ken Engsmyr on 0418 246 662 or email ken.engsmyr@bigpond.com
The Artists
Diane is employed by the Department of Education. She co-ordinates Wiradjuri language programs for students throughout western NSW.
Lynette is a Senior Lecturer at the University of Sydney, currently employed within the Sydney School of Education and Social Work, where she co-ordinates Aboriginal Education and the Indigenous Studies Major for the Faculty of Arts.
Keep up to date with other project events on the End Trachoma by 2020 Facebook page.
November 3, 2018 - November 10, 2018 (All Day)(GMT+00:00)
The Coventry Room
Parkes Shire Library, 25 Bogan Street, Parkes