White Ribbon Australia, working with many other organisations, seeks to end men’s violence against women. Their focus and strength is in mobilising men and communities to end this violence.
Parkes’ White Ribbon March is an opportunity for the community to come together and stand up, speak out and act to end men’s violence against women and children.
Meet at the intersection of Clarinda and Bushman streets
Meet at 10.45am ready for the march to start at 11am, on Monday 25 November.
The march is followed by a BBQ at Cooke Park.
What is White Ribbon Day?
White Ribbon Day is Australia’s largest awareness day, to prevent men’s violence against women. Communities from all over the country come together in November to stand up, speak out and act, and say ‘no’ to gendered violence. White Ribbon Day 2019 is held on Friday 22 November. For more information, check out the White Ribbon Australia website.