Elvis Festival Sparkles

Elvis Festival Sparkles

01jan8:00 pm13(jan 13)10:30 pmElvis Festival SparklesTake my hand and take a look8:00 pm - 10:30 pm (13)(GMT+00:00)

Event Info

‘Dark moon, way up high up in the sky’ Dark Moon by Elvis


The dark moon is joined by many bright lights shining across the Parkes CBD this Parkes Elvis Festival. Take a stroll through the Parkes CBD after dark.


Hot spots:

♦ Silos on May Street

♦ Cooke Park Fountain

♦ Elvis Public Art on Court Street

♦ Top End of Clarinda Street Parkes Mini Film projection

♦ Coles Arbor festoon fever

♦ Parkes CBD


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Presented by Parkes Shire Council.


January 1, 2019 8:00 pm - January 13, 2019 10:30 pm(GMT+00:00)