Movie and Markets

Movie and Markets

30nov4:00 pmMovie and MarketsChristmas in the Park4:00 pm(GMT+00:00)

Event Info


Be Sparkly!


Parkes Sparkle Christmas Night

Kicking off the Christmas season with markets to get your shopping started and a movie to enjoy with the family.


This year, Shrek the Halls and Mickeys Once Upon A Christmas will play on the big outdoor screen from sundown.


Photos with Santa, plus entertainment rides.


It’s no coincidence that the street parade is on the same day! What a great way to meet up with friends and family.



Cooke Park, Clarinda and Short streets, Parkes



From 3pm

Movie from Sundown


Keep up to date with the Parkes Sparkle Christmas Night event on Facebook for further information.



November 30, 2018 4:00 pm(GMT+00:00)


Cooke Park

158-176 Clarinda Street

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