Pink Night

Pink Night

03may7:00 pmPink NightRaising money for all women's cancers7:00 pm(GMT+00:00)

Event Info


Be Pink!


Cancer Council Pink Ribbon Fundraiser

Showing the world how powerful pink can be!


♦ Live Music

♦ Wine and Cider Bar

♦ Monster Raffle

♦ Pink Panther

♦ Prizes

♦ Delicious Treats

♦ Merchandise

♦ and much much more



Friday 3 May



Trundle Services and Citizens Club, 99 Forbes Street, Trundle




Cancer Council works across every type of cancer, and your fundraiser will help make a difference to the almost 50 women diagnosed with cancer each day. Host a pink-themed party, morning tea, trivia night or another event to raise money for women’s cancers. Encourage your guests or colleagues to wear pink and make a donation at your next get-together. Hold a best-dressed competition or make a rule that anyone who doesn’t wear pink has to donate extra.


Support the cause by adding a pink twist to your next yoga class, workout group or sporting event. Whether everyone wears a pink headband or wristband, or decks themselves out head-to-toe in pink, it’s a great way to raise awareness and funds for those affected by women’s cancers.



Image Cancer Council


May 3, 2019 7:00 pm(GMT+00:00)


Trundle Services and Citizen Club

99 Forbes St

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